Tommy Tuberville, Trump and United States Senate

Critics noted that Tuberville’s archaic reference to a triangle also inadvertently conjured up a powerful villain in the DC Universe: Trigon, a dimension-hopping demon DC Comics describes as the “ ...
"We need to make a trigon -- three sides -- instead of five sides in the Pentagon," he said. "It is way too big." ...
Tuberville says, “You know, Sheriff Lowery and all the Baldwin County officials want to keep their local communities safe and ...
ABC 33/40 is your connection to Congress, taking questions straight to Alabama's lawmakers. We spoke with U.S. Senator Tommy ...
The “back the blue” legislation, by Rep. Rex Reynolds, R-Huntsville, is one of the bills supported by the Republican ...
Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville told us people who receive social security benefits shouldn't be concerned, that's not where ...
Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is popular among conservative voters, but his controversial remarks have drawn criticism.
Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) invented a new word 'trigon' while pushing for spending cuts at the Pentagon. It comes as ...