Doki Doki, a Japanese-inspired dessert cafe known for its fluffy pancakes, is in danger of closing after experiencing a slump ...
Utah lawmakers have advanced a bill that experts say would establish one of the most restrictive labor laws in the country.
Council members also signaled their interest in redirecting funding previously set aside for the western edge of the proposed ...
A reward is being offered after two people broke into a South Salt Lake automobile dealership early Tuesday and stole ...
Real Salt Lake has gone into South America to find its new starting goalkeeper. RSL announced the signing of Brazilian keeper ...
As Utah’s cold snap continues, so do efforts to get homeless residents off the frigid streets and into temporary shelters.
Utah’s lawmakers and environmental officials have made getting water to the Great Salt Lake a priority, through policies like ...
After a 31-year-old man was struck by a car in Salt Lake City early Saturday, police say private security guards followed the ...
Police responded to a stabbing Thursday night in Salt Lake City and discovered a victim with a severe abdominal wound ...
A report released on Tuesday finds that the Great Salt Lake needs a big water boost every year because of looming factors in ...