This course gives a thorough introduction to linear algebra with emphasis on vector spaces, linear maps, spectral theory, orthogonality and applications of this theory. MATLAB is used for ...
This course provides an overview of a range of resources and practical bioinformatic tools that are used in molecular biology. Scientists actively developing and applying bioinformatic tools in their ...
The course provides a review of general algorithm classes such as dynamic programming, heuristic algorithms, probabilistic algorithms, and a representative selection of single algorithms that solve ...
This course aims to explore challenges and policies related to urban sustainability transformations. Emphasis is placed on the social, cultural and spatial aspects of these challenges and policies.
This course deals with advanced sedimentology from a temporal and spatial perspective. Development of sedimentary basins, and their sedimentary infill, is treated, with emphasis on depositional ...
The course introduces the concept of security in operating systems and software and gives a brief overview of applications of cryptography. The main subjects are software vulnerabilities and malicious ...
This course focuses on anthropological perspectives on health, illness, bodies and medicine. It presents current ethnographic research on the interactions between biology, culture, society, and ...
The course will provide an overview of the Nordic power grid and its expected development. The starting point is the set of physical laws that govern the power transfer in the grid. The course will ...
This course deals with the processes that shape the Earth’s surface. These processes are associated with water flow (fluvial processes), glaciers (glacial processes), frozen ground (periglacial ...
The energy system is undergoing a fundamental change from being centralized and carbon intensive to decentralized and low carbon so as to achieve the goals according to the Paris Agreement of limiting ...
The course is an introductory course in the Norwegian language for international students at the University of Oslo (UiO). Students follow the online course, ‘Introduction to Norwegian’, for four ...
The course focuses on methods for modern data analysis both within a practical and theoretical framework. Fewer assumptions are made when using these methods, such as machine learning or statistical ...