Questa è la terza registrazione della Soundkeeper Recordings che recensisco. Mentre le altre due sono state registrate secondo lo standard molto elevato per il quale la Soundkeeper Recordings è ...
This article supplements Graeme Budd's evaluation last June of the Graham Slee Accession phono preamp (top component, photo right). [1] Taking it from the perspective of one devoted to modern LPs, ...
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
The label on the sturdy, if somewhat utilitarian, metal case is Sound Stage Expander, but there is more to this unit than first evident. As well as being a tube buffer, it provides two effects - ...
In this increasingly Internet based streaming age, with CD's going the way of the dinosaurs, a new and cheap way of playing back your little silver discs is welcome. Especially one that doesn't get in ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
A friend of mine bought a Logitech SB3 and a used Entech 205.2 DAC (I don't think the Entech is still available). After a few mods to the DAC, he reported excellent results using a Toslink (optical) ...
Music is the reason for our hobby and there are many approaches that make sense depending on our needs and wants. I have only once in fifty odd years of hifi, ever owned a commercially built speaker ...
Ten years ago Chinese HiFi products were barely taken into serious consideration by Western World audiophiles: their extremely low prices were suspect, to say the least. Nonetheless, there were ...
So far, in my brief career writing for TNT-Audio, I have not reviewed anything from South Korea. South Korea does not normally feature on my radar as a supplier of audio equipment, this may be about ...
Recently there has been quite a discussion on the TNT forum regarding bass performance. One correspondent asked whether a piano got down as low as 50 Hz and it made me realise that most of us don't ...
The function of a hifi rack is quite simple: to hold your hifi components while isolating them from any interference. It sounds simple but it is actually impossible unless you float the components in ...