The Australian Government’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has successfully concluded its second National Preparedness Summit ahead of the upcoming Higher-Risk Weather Season (HRWS). The ...
Last week, leaders and experts in emergency management attended AFAC. It is Australasia's largest, most comprehensive conference and exhibition on emergency management. This year focused on embracing ...
The second National Higher Risk Weather Season (HRWS) Preparedness Summit took place over 18-19 September 2024. The event brought together more than 240 leaders from all levels of government and the ...
MATT DORAN: As spring stretches across the country following a long and cold winter in many parts, attention is already turning to the threat of emergencies such as bushfires over summer. Joe Buffone ...
The National Emergency Management Stockpile (NEMS) is growing. We've recently added three large electricity generators, able to support a range of emergencies. In an emergency, places like hospitals, ...
The Australian Government commissioned the Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding (Colvin Review) to improve disaster funding arrangements. The review was led by Andrew Colvin AO APM. He ...
The Glasser Review came from the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements. It's endorsed by the National Emergency Management Ministers’ Meeting (NEMMM). Dr Robert Glasser is an ...
supplement disaster resources, resilience and capability coordinate community support surge disaster support nationally if needed.
We’re working with communities to improve resilience and disaster readiness. We're doing this through the Protecting Our Communities (Disaster Resilience) Program (POC). In 2022, the Australian ...