In order to ensure optimal recovery of the reservoirs of the National Interconnected System during the dry season that continues in the country due to the ...
Recognizing that prior consultation is the fundamental right of ethnic groups to decide on measures, projects, works or activities carried out within their ...
31,000+ projects in Latin America. 39,000+ global companies doing business in the region.
31,000+ projects in Latin America. 39,000+ global companies doing business in the region. 95,000+ key contacts related to companies and projects Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your ...
Reconociendo que la consulta previa es el derecho fundamental de los grupos étnicos a decidir sobre medidas, proyectos, obras o actividades que se realicen ...
Reconhecendo que a consulta prévia é direito fundamental dos grupos étnicos para decidirem sobre medidas, projetos, obras ou atividades realizadas em seus ...