AACSB accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest-standing, most recognized form of specialized accreditation that an institution and its business programs can earn. Accreditation is a voluntary ...
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When it comes to creativity and analytics, Jeremy Utley’s blend of on-your-feet thinking and penetrating insight have earned him a reputation as a go-to advisor for CEO’s and start-up founders alike.
University of Porto debuts executive programs in data science and AI, and Clemson University and ESCP Business School also tailor new programs for executives. Porto Business School at the University ...
How one French business school transitioned from a broad societal impact strategy to a more targeted, mission-based approach with measurable outcomes. When business schools spread resources too thinly ...
In this comprehensive 2011 report, the AACSB Task Force on Globalization of Management Education explores broad globalization trends in management education. By exploring individual business school ...
Is failure over-glorified? Plus, explore effective storytelling, digital dining habits, socially conscious firms, and a small business support collective. Dive into our monthly Research Roundup, ...
At AACSB’s Africa Conference, keynote speaker Judy Dlamini highlighted the continent’s need for entrepreneurial, innovative, and ethical leaders. With a fast-growing GDP and the world’s youngest ...
AACSB International (AACSB), the world’s largest and longest-standing business school association and accreditation body, is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Eileen McAuliffe, PhD, as ...
Register today for this conference taking place at The St. Regis Downtown Dubai.
AACSB explores five opportunities for business schools and a new vision for business education. The report identifies five opportunities for business schools to thrive: as Catalysts for Innovation, Co ...
Your participation as an exhibitor is a key part of AACSB’s efforts to offer a high-quality conference experience to the global business education community and a unique opportunity to interact with ...