6. M. Azedire Beschaouch (Tunisie) a été élu Président du Comité par acclamation. Nrne Christina S. Cameron (Canada) a été élue Rapporteur et "es membres du Comité ci-après ont été élus ...
Le Centre du patrimoine mondial occupe une position de tout premier plan dans les efforts fournis par la communauté internationale en matière de protection et de préservation.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Chairperson drew the attention of the Committee to the two main documents of relevance to their deliberations. WHC-99/CONF.205/5 entitled "Report on the state of ...
Le Centre du patrimoine mondial occupe une position de tout premier plan dans les efforts fournis par la communauté internationale en matière de protection et de préservation.
Humberstone and Santa Laura works contain over 200 former saltpeter works where workers from Chile, Peru and Bolivia lived in company towns and forged a distinctive communal pampinos culture. That ...
Located in the historic centre of Isfahan, the Masjed-e Jāmé (‘Friday mosque’) can be seen as a stunning illustration of the evolution of mosque architecture over twelve centuries, starting in ad 841.
The huge karst area of South China is about 550,000 km2 in extent. The karst terrain displays a geomorphic transition as the terrain gradually descends about 2000 meters over 700 kilometers from the ...
The Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex spans 230 km between Ta Phraya National Park on the Cambodian border in the east, and Khao Yai National Park in the west. The site is home to more than 800 ...
With its outstanding natural beauty and two active volcanoes, the park illustrates the entire spectrum of ecosystems, ranging from tropical rainforests to glaciers, with striking contrasts between the ...
Between 1696 and 1760, six ensembles of reducciones (settlements of Christianized Indians) inspired by the ‘ideal cities’ of the 16th-century philosophers were founded by the Jesuits in a style that ...
Urbino, une petite ville au sommet d'une colline dans la région des Marches, connut au XV e siècle une étonnante prospérité culturelle, attirant des artistes et des érudits de toute l'Italie et ...
Lübeck – the former capital and Queen City of the Hanseatic League – was founded in the 12th century and prospered until the 16th century as the major trading centre for northern Europe. It has ...