California cannabis businesses are trying to stop the enforcement of new emergency regulations that ban certain hemp products ...
A recent analysis by Viridian Capital Advisors posited StateHouse's debt could potentially retain up to 80% of its value in a ...
The U.S. Hemp Roundtable is challenging Gov. Gavin Newsom’s public health ban on selling THC-laced hemp in stores.
Small California cannabis growers hoping to be able to sell directly to consumers are hoping Gov. Newsom will sign ...
"Catalyst states (Missouri/New Jersey/Pennsylvania/Ohio/Maryland) are hot and will continue to blaze — no pun intended," ...
Tight regulations over the California cannabis industry disallow the preparation and sales of food and beverages in licensed ...
An odor threshold for the greenhouse property lines would be a start, but it won’t solve the problem, residents say.
DC's cannabis gifting economy faces its end as regulatory crackdowns intensify. We discuss the impact on the cannabis market.
A leading trade group and several hemp companies have filed a lawsuit against California over the new emergency regulations.
Today’s newsletter looks at how wildfires are making California’s cannabis farms uninsurable, even by the state’s insurer of ...
The University of California San Diego and VA Health Care researchers partners ... They explored the decision-making process, ...
Bumbling US cops who raided a medical diagnostics center thinking it was a cannabis farm got a gun stuck to the powerful ...