Kerala police have deployed over 5000 security personnel spread across Sannidhanam, Pampa, and Nilakkal. The security arrangements were reviewed by senior police officials at a high-level meeting ...
Besides, TDB is providing food three times a day for the pilgrims camping in Sannidhanam and its premises. Police has strictly asked devotees to not cook food on their own. Around 64,194 devotees ...
The Makarajyothi was lit at Ponnambalamedu at 6.44pm during the deeparadhana and the thousands of devotees gathered at Sannidhanam and other view points had the Makaravilakku darshan amid a slight ...
According to officials, the entire pilgrimage area has been divided into 18 sectors for systematic cleaning, with special focus on the Sannidhanam and its surroundings. Each day, approximately 50 ...
Braving the heavy crowd, thousands of devotees waited for hours to catch a glimpse of the Makarajyoti, the celestial star that appears on the eastern horizon of the Sannidhanam, and the ...
Currently, the team is clearing over 50 loads of garbage each day. With 300 members assigned to 18 sectors at Sannidhanam, the cleaning is conducted in two shifts - from 6 am to 6 pm and 6 pm to 6 am.
In accordance with tradition, the jewels travel across various temples before reaching Sabarimala, where they are finally received at the Sannidhanam on the evening of Makaravilakku day.
Sabarimala (Kerala), [India], January 14 (ANI): The number of devotees who reached Sannidhanam (the main temple in Sabarimala) on Tuesday to offer prayers to Lord Ayyappa at the hill shrine of ...
Sabarimala: Around 1.5 lakh devotees are expected to gather at Sabarimala sannidhanam for the auspicious 'Makaravilakku' darshan on Tuesday, with authorities announcing on Monday that all ...
Sabarimala (Kerala), Jan 13 (PTI) Around 1.5 lakh devotees are expected to gather at Sabarimala sannidhanam for the auspicious ‘makaravilakku’ darshan on January 14, with authorities announcing on ...