18:30 Įamžinkite lietuvišką orą - tokį, koks Jums patinka labiausiai! O nuotrauką siųskite garsiausiam orų pranešėjui Nagliui Šulijai. SIŲSTI ČIA Gražiausios nuotraukos bus parodytos „TV3 oruose“ ...
NATO fighter jets conducting air patrol missions in the Baltic states had to scramble twice in late December to intercept and escort Russian aircraft, according to the Ukrainian news site European ...
vasaros sezono bazių. Iš Vilniaus bus atšaukti šeši planuoti maršrutai: Dubrovnikas (Kroatija), Ibisa (Ispanija), Rodas (Graikija), Kišiniovas (Moldova), Tel Avivas (Izraelis) ir Valensija (Ispanija).
Most people with asthma can be effectively managed with an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), alone or in combination with a long-acting β2-agonist (LABA). However, a significant number of patients with ...
vilniečiai jau galės nupuoštas eglutes nešti į artimiausią jų surinkimo vietą. Tokių aikštelių kasmet vis daugėja ir šiemet Vilniuje paruošta apie 115. Egles specialiose aikštelėse reikia palikti jau ...
(Sefa Karacan/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) Russia developed offensive plans targeting civilian and military sites in Japan and South Korea in the event of a war with NATO, the Financial Times ...
A French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has reached Asia, the NATO member state's military announced on Monday, where it will be dispatched to the Pacific Ocean. The Charles de Gaulle ...
Chinese authorities claimed this too was an accident. On December 30th NATO held a hastily convened meeting at its Brussels headquarters to discuss ways of countering the threat in the Baltic.
Russia's unconventional attacks against NATO "look like war" and allies must set new red lines that will trigger a retaliation if crossed, a former foreign minister has warned. Gabrielius ...
NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General James Appathurai has issued a warning about Russia’s increasing hybrid warfare tactics amid fears of an escalation in its war with Ukraine.
It looks like a modern free verse, an ode to war or at least a war economy. New Nato chief Mark Rutte’s latest speech on the state of the military alliance comes with stanzas of varying lengths ...
Sweden only recently joined NATO in March. It had pursued a policy of neutrality from the early 19th Century, including during World War II. However, public opinion shifted sharply in 2022 after ...