A latest research reported in Engineering reveals that researchers from Fuzhou University and Hunan Agricultural University have made remarkable headway. They've developed an artificial complex, ...
Optically pure alcohols are prevalent motifs in natural products and pharmaceuticals, driving the development of effective ...
David Baker, câștigătorul celui mai recent Premiu Nobel pentru Chimie, susține că omenirea trece printr-o transformare la fel ...
Reactorul din China numit „soarele artificial” și-a depășit propriul record mondial de menținere a plasmei super-încălzite, marcând o nouă etapă în lungul drum către energia „verde” aproape nelimitată ...
Descoperirea surprinzătoare făcută publică în luna iulie, conform căreia rocile metalice ar produce oxigen pe fundul ...
Researchers have now found a way to make nuclear clocks a thousand times less radioactive and more cost-effective, thanks to a method creating thin films of thorium tetrafluoride (ThF4).
Here, the authors develop Cu single-atom loaded covalent organic frameworks to reduce excitonic effects and enhancing radical generation thereby improving EOCs degradation.
Here, the authors report a Cu single-atom catalyst that facilitates the solar-driven synthesis of renewable chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass and green methanol as a hydrogen donor.
Colorado is already a hub for quantum technology, which could completely transform computers to solve problems like we never have before.
Este primul institut de geriatrie din lume, un adevărat model pentru țările dezvoltate prin asistența clinică și cercetare.
The complex of ammonium-linked ferrocene (Fc-amm) and crown ether is assembled on a Cu(111) surface, and its sliding motion ... Ferrocene—a unique drum-shaped molecule featuring an iron (Fe) atom ...
Four types of clouds can be categorised as low-level clouds: cumulus (Cu), stratocumulus (Sc), stratus (St) and cumulonimbus ...