A new survey of Catholics in the United States and across six Latin American countries found that majorities want the church to allow for the use of birth control and letting women become priests. The ...
RNS is an independent, nonprofit, and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, and culture. Founded in 1934, RNS seeks to inform readers with objective reporting and insightful ...
A Roman Catholic diocese in Long Island, New York announced a new bankruptcy settlement on Thursday that would pay more than ...
The New York diocese’s settlement requires all of its parishes to file for bankruptcy.
A new survey indicates that many Catholics in Latin America and the U.S. favor allowing women to become priests, with a ...
In a letter from the apostolic nunciature in Peru posted on the Peruvian bishops' conference website Sept. 25, the Vatican ...
Little brings more heavenly bliss to the faithful or otherworldly wonder to casual visitors than ethereal hymns cascading ...
A new survey found that most Catholics think birth control should be allowed, and a majority in three countries think gay and ...
Views vary on other ideas, such as recognizing same-sex marriages. Most see Pope Francis as a change in the church’s ...
The Pew Research Center has released the results of a survey of how Catholics in the U.S. and six Latin American countries ...
A federal judge has prevented the Biden administration from requiring Catholic employers to provide their employees time off ...
In a new book, Cardinal Marc Ouellet challenges the church to worry less about creating something new, and more about ...