The National Assembly's Science, Technology, Information, Broadcasting and Communications Committee held a hearing alone by ...
A fire broke out on the third floor of an 18-story apartment building in Neung-dong, Dongtan New Town, Hwaseong-si, ...
A Russian military court sentenced a man to life in prison on the 30th local time for attempting to assassinate prominent ...
With the last spot of "Autumn Baseball," KT and SSG will hold their first-ever "fifth place decider" in Suwon at 5 p.m. today ...
The Armed Forces Day celebration, which marks the 76th anniversary of the founding of the armed forces, will be held today ...
The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Tourism Association have designated the "2024 Seoul Hospitality Week" for ...
The New York Times, a leading U.S. daily newspaper, has officially declared its support for Democratic presidential candidate ...
NATO points out that reckless messages are being repeated against Russia, which NATO has announced that it will revise its ...
For the first time since this year's related statistics, the proportion of self-employed people in all employed people has ...
Anchor] A citizen who had difficulty breathing due to allergic shock after taking medicine visited a nearby police station ...
A teenager who followed a passenger on the same bus and wielded a weapon was caught by police.The Jeju Dongbu Police Station ...
Anchor] A group of people who set up an office in Thailand and engaged in investment leading fraud were caught and forcibly ...