On September 12, Dr. Irina Bokova, former director-general of UNESCO, paid a visit to the International Science and Technology Organizations headquarters in Beijing.She toured the offices of various ...
William N. Brown has called China home for over 30 years. "I'm fortunate to live in a country as beautiful as China, in the vibrant city of Xiamen, and at a university as remarkable as Xiamen ...
Ferrero compares it to the Chinese New Year, noting that while the latter is a time to stop work and visit family, the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrates unity within the context of ongoing duties and ...
One of the most important traditions is moon-gazing in the evening when it is at its fullest. Ancient Chinese believed that a good harvest was the result of favorable weather and the blessings of ...
In traditional Chinese culture, the moon is emblematic of human emotions and has a prominent role in ancient Chinese literature, songs and mythology. The Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival is one of ...
【学习进行时】党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央站在坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的战略高度,紧紧围绕铸牢中华民族共同体意识这条主线,谋划部署新时代党的民族工作,推动我国民族团结进步事业取得新的历史性成就。新华社《学习进行时 ...
只身从北京到陕西省榆林市佳县从医;从一名儿科医生自学成为“十八般武艺皆通”的全科医生;为了妇女儿童的健康,推广新法接生、科学育儿,为落后的小县城建起第一个正规的儿科…… ...
记者9月26日获悉,西湖大学国强讲席教授、副校长及慕德微纳 (杭州)科技有限公司首席科学家仇旻日前展示了双目镜片重量仅5.4克、厚度仅0.55毫米的AR(增强现实)眼镜。它几乎和人们平时戴的太阳镜一样轻便。
9月25日,中国—东盟技术对接会(以下简称对接会)在广西南宁成功举办。作为今年面向东盟国际技术转移与创新合作大会的重要活动之一,活动由中国—东盟技术转移中心、自治区科技厅、重庆市科技局联合主办,广西东盟技术转移中心、重庆高技术创业中心有限公司共同承办 ...
金钱豹在青海省系边缘分布,但仍调查到数量可观的活跃种群,且调查过程中多次记录到金钱豹携带幼崽的活动影像,表明该区域种群有较为健康的繁殖动态。青海省将加大与科研机构合作,制定统一调查方法,建立长期监测网络,实现对青海省分布的金钱豹种群的动态监测,以期全 ...