The Government strongly opposes the slanderous remarks made by foreign countries and anti-China organisations on its further ...
Police's National Security Department says that six people who have absconded overseas and are suspected to have committed ...
The Secretary for Security specifies the measures to be applied to seven individuals who have absconded overseas and are ...
六人竄逃海外後,繼續進行危害國家安全和損害香港社會整體利益之事, 涉嫌干犯 《香港國安法》下煽動分裂國家罪、顛覆國家政權罪、勾結外國或者境外勢力危害國家安全罪。警務處國家安全處已向法院申請拘捕令。
The Major Sports Events Committee announced today that it has awarded "M" Mark status to the Bank of China Hong Kong Tennis ...
Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki addresses the opening ceremony of the reprovisioned Chung Ying Street Checkpoint in Sha Tau Kok.
The Government has reviewed an investigation report by the Airport Authority regarding an incident in November last year ...
The Transport Department today launched E-Auction, an online auction platform for Ordinary Vehicle Registration Marks (VRMs).