Did you know you lose 50% of your body heat through your belly? No? That’s because it’s not true. But you could be forgiven for thinking that was the belief among a certain segment of Chinese society, ...
As we predicted back in October, the Beijing-based bike sharing pioneer Ofo is wobbling on its last kickstand. Here are signs the end is near: One, every sidewalk is littered – one might even say ...
Though some seem to still hold fast to traditional values in regards to women’s rights, others are increasingly fighting back After a netizen made sarcastic remarks about 61-year-old dancer Yang ...
Though Darlie's English name changed in the 1980s, its racially-charged Chinese name has remained intact until today Darlie, the Chinese toothpaste brand infamous for its blackface packaging, will ...
Some might say this is dangerous. I say nah. This is just another day in the life of a boss who’s got somewhere to be, and lots of boxes that need to get there. She’s got this.
Take a look inside UFC's massive, 9,000-square meter training facility, which just opened in Shanghai this past week In a country with some of the oldest martial arts traditions known to man, does ...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In America, laying on the car horn is a driver’s sure way of saying one of two things: 1) “You’re an asshole”; 2) “I’m an asshole.” I’ve found it’s a little more ...
Sweet spinning robots! Beijing-based startup Vincross has just launched a Kickstarter campaign for its flagship product, HEXA, which is described as a “Programmable, Highly Maneuverable Robot.” In ...
In Shanghai, a new wave is sweeping the city — sorting garbage. The unexpected trend comes about as a result of the new Domestic Waste Management Law, which went into effect on July 1st. The law ...
Profound memories immortalized in the nostalgic format of a vintage Game Boy cartridge Grief is an overwhelming emotional process, and everyone copes with it differently. For Chinese artist Zhou ...
Pinhaofan, Meituan’s group food delivery service, has skyrocketed in popularity by slashing meal costs, but its low prices come at the expense of restaurants, drivers, and quality. In 2022, China’s ...
As Click #15 return with their new EP, "The Funky Experience 2," frontman Ricky Sixx talks about finding his groove and recording in Las Vegas “The first time I heard ‘Purple Rain,’ I didn’t like it,” ...