Tablets for Schools is a charity that commissions the largest independent research programme in the world on how tablets impact learning and attainment. The latest report summarises findings from an ...
Why is health and safety in schools important? Simple accidents, such as slips or trips, might seem a trivial part of the day-to-day hustle and bustle of school life, but they are capable of causing ...
Take a moment to think back to when you were at school as a pupil, what comes to mind? Personally, I remember the hectic changeover’s between lessons as I ran from one end of the school to the other, ...
Jonathan Doherty and Kathryn Gerrard from Leeds Trinity University question whether there has ever been a better time to be a teacher, or are we facing a teacher supply shortage? One of the most ...
Sandal Magna Community Primary School takes the top spot for its contemporary design which is inspired by its surroundings and Wakefield’s industrial heritage, as well as being one of the most ...
As a result of academisation and even in maintained schools, where the role of the LA is changing with less support available for schools, the role of the school business manager is becoming even more ...
Education Business chats to RIBA’s Caroline Buckingham about the importance of good design when developing new school buildings and what should be done to tackle the pupil place shortage A good school ...
On 1 October 2013, the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (the Regulations) were amended. The amendment did not change a school’s headline responsibility to ensure adequate first aid ...
In mid-July, the education sector received some good news: schools are to receive an additional £1.3bn over the next two years. However, the Institute for Fiscal Studies brought us back to reality ...
Ashley Bateson from the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, which recently launched its HVAC Systems Group, considers the changing regulations around ventilation in schools and what ...
The summer blockades in Calais caused major disruption at a peak time in the school trip calendar, leading to disappointment, cost and frustration for pupils, teachers and parents across the UK. A ...
In March this year, Prime Minister David Cameron announced that primary school sport is set to be transformed due to a £150 million-a-year boost that will improve coaching for the youngest pupils and ...