Want to write an article that could be featured in a newsletter to over 70,000 professionals and companies? The Appraisal Buzz Newsletter is a weekly email newsletter that features articles related to ...
Discounts – 20% OFF ($189.80 value) Valuation Expo 14 Hour General Session CE pass until July 19th.
The price for membership is $4.99 per Month.
In this episode, we welcome back Ernie Durbin, Chief Valuation Officer at Voxtur, and a frequent guest on the Appraisal Buzzcast. Ernie has just wrapped up a highly insightful 3-part series on the ...
Despite a significant decline in mortgage rates and improved supply in some parts of the country, existing home sales are not expected to pick up ...
Spring of 2024 has brought an era of optomisim a we start to see the spring market start to warm up for the first time in a while. There has been a lot of shuffling in the industry this past year and ...
If you’re considering a career in appraisal, you probably want to know: What’s the average real estate appraiser salary? Survey data from the 2019 Appraisal ...
Imagine completing your appraisals in less time, with twice the accuracy, and opening doors to new lucrative markets—that’s the power of AI in the appraisal industry. But are you truly ready to ...
The latest enhancements to the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1 (SF Handbook) have been published. These changes consist of technical changes for consistency and ...
For years we’ve been told “The End is Near” for the appraisal industry, but none of it has come to pass. What has happened is changes to the way the appraisal industry works and how appraisers respond ...
NEW FALL DIRECTORY: 2023 has bought a year of change to the industry. As the volume has slowed down there has been a lot of shuffling around with personnel in the industry. It is more important than ...
Over a decade after the 2008 financial crisis, the prevalence of predatory lenders continues to plague the U.S. marketplace. Generally speaking, appraisers are not predatory.