Persona 5: The Animation Season 1 is an action anime TV series that follows Ren, a justice-driven young man who wants to bring prosperity to his world. But when he gets transferred to Shujin Academy, ...
In a financial report for 2024, Sega reported a new sales milestone for the Persona series, stating that it had sold over ...
Here are five anime gems that, though less popular than their video game iterations, shine brightly in their own right: 1. Persona 5: The Animation 108682154 Persona 5 emerges as a vibrant tapestry ...
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is a great add-on to one of the best isometric turn-based RPGs. Set in the grimdark universe ...
As far as anime games go, Persona 5 Royal is one of the best RPG games and the shining star of the series as a whole. By day, you are a disgraced high school student who recently transferred to ...
It's Count Louis Guiabern, a charismatic, accomplished, and revered army officer with flowing blonde locks. So front and ...
There are many, MANY video games based on anime out there ... a game so that it’s fully appreciated. Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown was a game that got such treatment.
ReFantazio on PS5, and see if Atlus' Persona team can execute at the same high bar in an entirely new setting.
This includes adding more modernized features and fixes that would bring the game closer to games like Persona 5. Atlus was quick ... fell on the same schedule as Anime Expo, which is where ...
Black Friday deals are getting started. If you can't wait for the day itself, there are plenty of great early deals on ...
While the important stuff like the combat system, gameplay loop, characters, story and music are all excellent, Metaphor ReFantazio could make some quality of life changes to really make things hum.
As The Legend of Zelda fans process the revelation that one particular in-game animation of Link that we'd always accepted ...