Persona 5: The Animation Season 1 is an action anime TV series that follows Ren, a justice-driven young man who wants to bring prosperity to his world. But when he gets transferred to Shujin Academy, ...
In a financial report for 2024, Sega reported a new sales milestone for the Persona series, stating that it had sold over ...
Here are five anime gems that, though less popular than their video game iterations, shine brightly in their own right: 1. Persona 5: The Animation 108682154 Persona 5 emerges as a vibrant tapestry ...
The upcoming anime-based fighter Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero holds its own against the highly anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Overwatch 2 Season 12 is well underway, and following the ...
Set in an alternate reality version of the main game’s world and follows another silent protagonist, codenamed Wonder, and tells a new story loosely connected to the original Persona 5.
Please verify your email address. News of a global release for Persona 5: The Phantom X has been highly anticipated and the game's latest announcement might be the most promising sign yet.