Payment processing fees are just one more burden for retailers and consumers. It’s time to make cash king again.
The Blue Envelope helps neurodivergent drivers stay organized and helps officers communicate effectively with the driver in a stressful situation.
Lawmakers have frowned at the envelope system of funding the annual budget, calling it anti-democratic and urging for its discontinuation. This criticism ...
Boulder Police Department launches the Blue Envelope Program to aid communication with residents with invisible disabilities.
The New York State Sheriffs Association anounces the statewide implementation of the Blue Envelope program to aid drivers ...
The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office is adopting the Blue Envelope program, a safety program for drivers with autism.
CRANSTON, R.I. (WLNE) — The Rhode Island DMV is reminding drivers that the “Blue Envelope” program has gone into effect. Blue ...
The Blue Envelope Program is intended to enhance the interaction between members of law enforcement and citizens who have autism. In the event a police officer asks the individual for that information ...
The program provides a blue envelope to drivers with autism to present their license and registration during a traffic stop.