The actor Saif Ali Khan lives on the 12th floor of Satguru Sharan apartments. As per the sources, the intruder used the staircase to escape after the attack. The sources also added that Saif Ali ...
One accused has been identified. He used the staircase to enter, and teams are in the field to arrest him. There are 10 detection teams working in different directions," DCP Dixit Gedam said.
Annie Gray-Dalton, a long-time McLean County resident, began her working career as a social worker with the Department of Community Based Services in McLean County. While working as a social ...
On Monday, Mars will look reddish and bright as the moon passes in front of it, obscuring the planet for over an hour in some areas. "An occultation is when one celestial object passes directly ...
Of their many photos together—and there are plenty—it is perhaps the one on Korina McLean's Facebook page that encapsulates the bond between herself and the brilliant Moira . The image ...
Even if the flags have remained standing when crews rocketed off the moon, it is almost certain that they are not in the same condition as when they were first deployed on the lunar surface.
For example, he has rarely criticized NASA or its overall goal to return humans to the moon through the Artemis program. Rather, Musk, who has long preferred Mars as a destination for humans ...
Stargazers spied an unusual sight on Friday night, as Venus appeared beside a crescent moon. The planet could be seen with the naked eye in locations lucky enough to have clear skies and ...
In the UK's Whitley Bay, a shining waxing crescent Moon glows with Venus to the right Stargazers around the globe were treated to a stunning celestial scene on Friday as Venus appeared shining ...
Rep. Foxx slipped while walking down the marble staircase outside the House chamber after walking up to talk to her family in the gallery,' a statement from her office shared with ...