Inspired by the anime and manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Infinite is a new action-packed experience on the Roblox platform ...
The main gripe players have with the character select UI is that it doesn’t exactly show all the heroes at once. This isn’t a problem, though, if you’re playing Vanguards, which are ...
The shows come during a couple of notable Carmen anniversaries. The title character, a fiery, independent minded woman who jilts her lover, the soldier Don José, for the toreador Escamillo ...
Every anime and JJK fan is currently enjoying the Jujutsu Infinite game on Roblox a lot. In this RPG action game, there are many cursed tools available that can help you a lot in your missions and ...
One of the best and hottest action RPG games on Roblox, Jujutsu Infinite is trending on a whole other level. If you are a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen and anime, then this game is a must-play for you. There ...
these two are the best healing methods in Jujutsu Infinite mid-fight. Parries can heal you for a lot if you can land them consistently while SRCT is more of a background heal as you do damage.
Jujutsu Infinite is a popular RPG fighting game on Roblox, where you train your character to become a powerful martial artist and unlock special abilities. Although the gameplay is amazing ...
We’ve added a breakdown on how to complete the Grand Reef quests and the rewards available. The Fisch Grand Reef update is here, bringing a brief taste of January’s main Fisch update with it. Here’s ...