On September 12, Dr. Irina Bokova, former director-general of UNESCO, paid a visit to the International Science and Technology Organizations headquarters in Beijing.She toured the offices of various ...
William N. Brown has called China home for over 30 years. "I'm fortunate to live in a country as beautiful as China, in the vibrant city of Xiamen, and at a university as remarkable as Xiamen ...
Ferrero compares it to the Chinese New Year, noting that while the latter is a time to stop work and visit family, the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrates unity within the context of ongoing duties and ...
One of the most important traditions is moon-gazing in the evening when it is at its fullest. Ancient Chinese believed that a good harvest was the result of favorable weather and the blessings of ...
The Temple of Heaven is one of the most significant heritage sites along Beijing's Central Axis. As the main structure of the Temple of Heaven, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests stands on a ...
In traditional Chinese culture, the moon is emblematic of human emotions and has a prominent role in ancient Chinese literature, songs and mythology. The Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival is one of ...
As a major agricultural country in West Africa, Cote d'Ivoire has been involved in extensive agricultural cooperation with China, among which cocoa processing plants, rice cultivation bases and rubber ...
“黄大年教授的爱国情怀和奉献精神为我们树立了光辉榜样,他至诚报国的决心和行动,激励着我们不断前行。”吉林省高校黄大年式教师团队负责人、吉林大学电子科学与工程学院院长卢革宇说,“我们从黄大年教授的动人事迹中汲取奋进力量,努力教书育人、攻关电子信息领域‘ ...
岸电是将陆上电网的电,通过海底高压电缆输送到海上油田,供油气开发生产使用。渤海油田“岸电入海”计划共分为三期,先后布局在秦皇岛-曹妃甸油田群、渤中-垦利油田群和绥中-锦州油田群。目前,一期、二期项目已先后于2021年和2022年投产,三期项目正加快推 ...