Los Angeles County and neighboring counties are facing a “life threatening, destructive and widespread windstorm,” triggering a “high wind warning” and “red flag warning” to go into effect on Tuesday, ...
In a Nov. 17 excerpt from the recently released book "Hope Never Disappoints. Pilgrims Towards a Better World," which is based on a collection of interviews conducted by author Hernán Reyes Alcaide, ...
The audio version of this article is generated by Trinity Audio using AI narration. Despite the numerous accolades and impressive moments from the season, though, the moment that Chamides was most ...
Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. Be ...
With Christmas just three weeks away, holiday parties and festivities are in full swing which only means one thing: Secret Santas. The task of making a wishlist, drawing names and finding the perfect ...
Paul Harris, professor of English, is a rock lover, collector and expert — and I’m not talking about the music genre, but rather literal rocks. Harris has a garden of rocks outside of his home, ...
Generation Z (Gen Z) disappointed many pollsters' predictions regarding their voter turn out this election — there was less turnout from young voters overall than other elections including the 2020 ...
In this episode of Double Take, Melody and Mikal invite Cecil White to join them in a conversation on whether it is harder to date as a man or a woman in college. From social media, to friend group ...
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