A scheme that provides remote monitoring to patients with long-term conditions and frailty has led to a reduction in GP visits, A&E attendances, hospital admissions and outpatient appointments.
English and Welsh patients will be able to cross the England-Wales border for dental treatment in an attempt to cut waiting lists, the government has announced.
The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement for health and social care providers to ensure that their staff receive training on learning disability and autism.
UK dentists are being invited to have their say in shaping the evolution of a key diagnostic tool – the basic erosive wear examination.
A module has been released to the NHS Business Services Authority Manage Your Service (MYS) platform that enables contractors to notify their integrated care board (ICB) of any temporary closure of ...
The Health Secretary announced an investigation into NHS performance and we now have the report by Professor Lord Darzi. Early indications are that integrated neighbourhood working will continue to be ...
Letter from Stephen Kinnock, minister of state for care, setting out the priorities for adult social care this winter. This letter sets out the critical actions needed across the adult social care ...
Unpaid carers or informal carers – anyone who provides care, unpaid, for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without ...
NHS England's winter priorities letter outlines actions for NHS England, integrated care boards and providers to support the delivery of services for patients this winter. It includes information on ...
Without extra support NHS performance improvements this summer could be reversed by a difficult winter.
NHS England seeks the views of patients and the public regarding changes to both the service specification and the provider commissioning arrangements for hyperbaric oxygen therapy services.
Following representations from Community Pharmacy England on behalf of community pharmacy owners, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has redetermined the reimbursement prices for ...