The series’ sixth main installment and prequel to Gears of War 1, Gears of War: E-Day is set 14 years before the events of Gears of War 1 and 42 years before Gears 5 at the beginning of the ...
E-Day revisits Marcus Fenix & Dom, delving into the first Locust attack. Watch the epic origins in Xbox's trailer.
The Coalition is taking a page from 343 Industries by sidelining unpopular plotlines but it should eventually return to make ...
Crossplay is becoming a more common feature in games as the gap between console and PC narrows ... RELATED: Multiple Gears of War Games In Development for Next-Gen Using Unreal Engine 5 However ...
A prequel starring Marcus Fenix, E-Day looks set to take us back to where the battle between the humans and the Locusts began.Gears of War 6 is coming to Xbox and PC.