Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's candid photos with fans, showcasing their relaxed style, have gone viral. The couple, seen twinning in casual outfits, enjoyed family time over the festive season ...
Riddhima Kapoor, Ranbir's sister and Fabulous ... Familiar faces in the group photo included Ranbir (in a sleeveless black T-shirt and a blue cap), Alia (in a pink tank top), Raha (in father ...
Alia Bhatt shared a 'get ready with me' video, wherein she was seen applying lipstick, and fans flooded her comments section ...
A video of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor is also going viral on social media. In this, Ranbir Kapoor was seen running to hug and kiss his wife and actor Alia Bhatt at 12 o'clock on New Year's eve.