High adherence to a Mediterranean diet could help reduce the risk for obesity-linked cancers by 6%, a new study shows.
The study used innovative technology that maps RNA molecules which are the basis for translating the genome into proteins.
More women in rural India are becoming obese, joining their urban counterparts. A combination of evolving standards of living ...
Researchers found an association between higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet and a modest reduction in the risk for obesity-related cancers.
The best prevention and treatment for pregnant women is abdomen-strengthening exercise, with surgery reserved for those who ...
Study finds Mediterranean diet reduces cancer risks linked to obesity, especially for colorectal, liver and kidney cancers, ...
A study projects that 60% of adults will be overweight or suffer from obesity by 2050. Check where India stands.
More than half of all adults and a third of children, teenagers, and young adults worldwide are expected to be overweight or ...
BMI was the main indicator for general obesity, and researchers used the waist-to-hip ratio to indicate abdominal obesity. To see how closely participants adhered to the Mediterranean diet ...
possibly due to the low prevalence of obesity in our cohort and the distinct contribution of general vs abdominal obesity to metabolic disruptions,” the authors write.